Some of my recent research covers the impact of pandemic restrictions on business dynamics, the economic responses to energy price movement in an environment with factor reallocation, and how unemployment benefits affect entrepreneurship. Here are some of my published and working papers:
Did the unemployment benefits extension between 2009–2013 deter entrepreneurship in the US? Some evidence and a model of unemployment benefits and entrepreneurship2023 (Economic Modelling, Volume 122)
The Impact of Personal Bankruptcy Law on Entrepreneurship 2015 (Canadian Journal of Economics, Volume 48, No. 2) Previous version: Northwestern University, Searle Center Working Paper Series, Paper No.2009-010
Small Business Loan Guarantees as Insurance Against Aggregate risks 2013 (The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics. Contribution, Volume 13, Issue 1 )
Financing High-tech Start-ups: Moral Hazard, Information Asymmetry and the Reallocation of Control Rights 2015 (The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, Contribution, Volume 15, Issue 2)
Economic Growth Through Trade Liberalization for Small Island Developing States in the Pacific: Regionalism versus Globalization with Cheryl Carmichael 2022 (Islands Economic Cooperation Forum: Annual Report On Global Islands 2021)
Working Papers:
Optimal Product Variety and Interprovincial Barriers to Trade in Craft Beer with Jim Sentance and Jason Stevens (Revise and resubmit, Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade)
Health Insurance Coverage and Self-Employment Among Young US Adults (In submission)
The Impact of Energy Price Changes on the Aggregate Economy: The role of factor reallocation” with Jason Stevens
Business Dynamics During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Canada
Energy Price Fluctuations and Small-Business Dynamics
(Joint with Jason Stevens) In progress
Slides: Aggregate Risks, Collateral Value and the Role of Loan Guarantee in Small Business Financing Work in progress
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